Internal Exchange
Operating in similar manner to other Over the Counter (OTC) exchanges in place today, the Latium Internal Exchange will launch with Latium (LATX) and Ethereum (ETH) pairings supported at this time. Further tokens are currently under review and consideration for further integration to the Internal Exchange in the future.

We are excited for the release of this monumental effort as we feel it mirrors many of the requests and expectations of our direct community of users. This also further expands our use case opportunities for the future as we continually diversify and expands the variety of possible demographics of users taking advantage of the Latium platform as a whole.
Commission Free Exchange Orders
With the addition of the Internal Exchange, users will be able to take advantage of an exchange environment in which ZERO commissions or trading fees are charged on listing buy and sell orders. We feel this is a major step in the right direction for the Latium platform, ensuring the most efficient tools are available to our users as well as maintaining a positive marketable environment for future user acquisition and retention.
Security / 2FA
One of the most requested updates to the platform was the addition of Two Factor Authentication (2FA). Security is always a major concern for the staff at Latium, our users, and the industry as a whole. With the inclusion of further security controls we will continue to ensure that users funding and information remains secure.

Fee-less User Transfers
As we continue to expand the different use cases for the Latium platform, we realize that at times users will desire to transfer LATX to another user, even outside of the contract tasking system. With the implementation of a FEE-LESS transfer system, we will enable and allow for users to have an efficient method of transferring LATX, ETH, or any other token supported by the platform. This bypasses the hassles sometimes experienced with transfer fees and infrastructure on the Ethereum ecosystem.

Task Layouts / Sorting
You will continue to notice some much needed updates to the overall layout of the main view for current tasks available. While the future app releases will allow for more vertical oriented layouts as needed, we feel that displaying more tasks in a more structured manner will allow for a more efficient manner of view, application and completion. You will also notice the early stages of sorting, with the ability to see tasks by Highest Rated, Highest Reward and Newest Tasks. This will continue to develop and allow for our reputation system to have a more prominent usage within the Latium ecosystem.

With the new layouts comes a new layout for your private profile. The new layout provides an easier way to move through the system to each section of your profile. This is much needed and will allow users a simpler way to utilize all that Latium has to offer.
All in all we are very pleased with the performance and output we’ve been able to release within the last 30 days and look forward to continuing to pursue our scheduled roadmap of feature releases for the future.
Thank you for your interest in the the Latium platform. As always you can follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram Chat and Discord for the latest news, updates and developments as we progress.