Recently the Latium Project has pledged support for the McAfee Alliance. Focused on unveiling and combating the rampant corruption within the blockchain industry as a whole, the McAfee alliance aims to build an ongoing network of like minded projects that believe in the ideals that blockchain was built upon, namely, accountability and transparency.
Similarly, the Latium project and staff have held a like minded belief in ensuring and offering ongoing transparency to our development efforts and business dealings within this industry. Our entire staff stands with McAfee and team in their efforts to combat corruption.
The McAfee alliance states directly within their website pledge:
“The aim of our alliance is to unite all crypto alliances under one banner. The McAfee Alliance shall not constitute any motive of power or succumb to the influence of corruption…
We remain besieged by financial institutions yet imprisoned by corruption. The illusion of greed advocates hatred in the name of unification.
…We turn aside dismissing the internal dilemma as ‘bear market.’ Leaders must unite all crypto alliances as one.”
One doesn’t need to look far to see blatant incidents of corruption, fraud and dubious business practices within an industry that once prided itself on unification of ideals for decentralization and accountability. With the intent purpose of driving general public adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, Latium holds steadfast in the effort to continue to bring validity and legitimacy to this emerging, yet beleaguered industry.
These difficulties are innate to an industry still in its infancy. We believe, however, that further offensive stances on lowering these barriers will continue to help evolve the technical intricacies necessary to attract the general public towards utilizing crypto transactions, financial and informational alike, within their daily lives.
In fact, Latium is no stranger to many of the ongoing issues within the industry specific to exchanges within the market. Earlier this year, Kucoin accepted our own listing agreement and in progress backed out with little to no information provided. Sadly, this is a common trend with both Kucoin and multiple other exchanges within the industry at large.
Another relative target of the McAfee Alliance, hitBTC has acted in less than transparent methods in communication to Latium and other blockchain projects and platforms. After accepting the LATX listing agreement, and previously managing the LAT listing, hitBTC pulled the active trading of LATX and refused any and all inquiry efforts by Latium staff. Multiple, ongoing efforts were made to establish communication to amicably collaborate on an understanding of events. Sadly, no recourse was offered, nor communication made.
With the ongoing development of the Latium internal exchange, it is our own belief that further diversity for projects to acquire options for their community base will continue to drive the accessibility to tokens. Still in its early stages, we have numerous advanced features and options in active development and look forward to further revealing them to our community base.
If you are an interested crypto project and would like to be considered for listing we invite you to apply via our listing application available at:
Thank you for your interest in the the Latium platform. As always you can follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram Chat and Discord for the latest news, updates and developments as we progress.