It has continued as a busy week for the entire staff at Latium. As we finalize and wrap up the remaining USD bank transfers, our token sale and waitlist participation draws to a close. As noted within our Telegram group and via email notification, our waitlist participation closed at 10 AM CST (-6 GMT) on January 18th. Due in part to the US Federal holiday on January 15th, a delay occurred on both sides of the bank transfer processing.
We are pleased to announce, however, that all USD payments have been removed or released based on the checks clearing successfully or not. With the traditional, manual processing of bank payments, one may surmise that further innovation is necessary in that industry. Can someone say “blockchain”?
Can someone say “blockchain”?
Should you have any further issue or need more detailed transaction assistance, please reach out to our support department via support@latium.org .

Upcoming Alpha Patch
We recently pushed an update to the alpha platform last week, as noted in our previous patch announcement. With that said, we look to push a further patch update to the production environment of the alpha, and will update you with further details of this update soon. You can check Medium as well as our other social media outlets for further information as available.

Affiliate Balances
Another commonly asked request is when the affiliate commissions will be available to the Latium dashboard. We are happy to announce the affiliate commission balances have been released, and are available and reflected in the LATX balance of your Latium dashboard. The affiliate program was a great success and it was a great experience to see the community involvement in spreading knowledge of Latium during our Token Sale.

Thank you for your interest in the the Latium platform and associated utility token. As always you can follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram Chat and Discord for the latest news, updates and developments as we progress.