First off, from each and every team member here at Latium, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. With such a massive, positive response to our recently completed token sale, the entire Latium staff is humbled to find so many participants that share our vision for innovation within the crowdsourcing market space.

While many members have asked via our Telegram group, with the successful close of our token sale, the staff is still considerably busy wrapping up transactions, ensuring all is in order, and providing responses to support requests. A lot goes on behind the scenes, but rest assured, as available we will publicly announce here, via Telegram, and our other official social media outlets.
Our goal since the onset of this project has been to continue providing the most open, transparent communication possible to all participants that choose to share this journey with us. It is an incredibly exciting time here at Latium, and we share that exuberant feeling with you, the early adopter of the Latium brand.
We are pleased to announce several further developments with Latium this week!

While the token sale has completed, we still have an ongoing waitlist in process as we continue to process bank transfer payments throughout the week. Tokens from these cancelled transactions will become available on a first come first served basis, and be fully processed by Friday, January 19th.
A refund process for the waitlist will be available within the next few days from the Latium dashboard. If you deposit to the Latium waitlist, but the tokens are unable to be allocated to you, ETH balance will be displayed with an option to update your refund receive address and withdrawal option.
Detailed numbers are still being compiled, but by this Friday we will have further details regarding the distribution and the number of token sale participants. We are very excited with the current data coming in, as we can see roughly 9,000 individual participants after further compilation. We look forward to sharing the full distribution numbers with all of you and will be doing so as available.

We would like to take a moment to show our appreciation to the glue that kept our awesome Telegram chat, ANN thread and Bounty Program together. Yana Marakhonova has been an exceptional moderator for the Telegram chat, while also playing a pivotal role in the Bitcointalk ANN thread. Constantly answering the same questions over and over and over again, while always doing so with great enthusiasm and grace. She also managed the Latium Bounty Program as well. Without Yana’s help there is no way we could have kept everyone informed and handled everyone’s support issues. She has been a great member of the team and her tireless effort contributed mightily to the success of the LATX sale. Again, we just want to say thank you to Yana!

Of notable mention this week is the addition of a new staff member as well! You may know him already via Telegram, but Latium is happy to announce Kevin Steele is joining the ranks at Latium! Kevin comes to us with a background in Media, Marketing, and Information Technology and will be handling many different roles and tasks as we further push for more direct PR and marketing outreach directives. While Kevin’s presence in Telegram is significant (dare we say constant?), he will continue to assist with community outreach and development as we push for wider market adoption of the Latium platform.

You asked for it, and we delivered! We are happy to announce the Official Latium Discord server. It is our hope for this secondary communication platform to be further utilized by token sale participants and other interested parties for mutual discussion and communication regarding Latium and the blockchain industry in general. It is a more casual, laid back avenue for conversation, but will still have Latium staff and admins participating as available.
While Telegram has slowed somewhat since the frenzied pace of the accelerated sale period, many requests regarding support are still inquired there. All of the staff available in Telegram will continue our best to answer any comments, questions or concerns you may have, as well as further escalate as necessary. We would like to note that at this time Latium support in reference to specific transaction and account issues is available Monday through Friday, with 24/7 support to be added in the near future. With the increased token sale attention, comes the comparable increased support requests. As Latium develops we will further scale our staff and architecture to provide the best customer service available in the industry today.
On that note, I would like to bring mention to a specific Telegram interaction that made our week here at Latium:

The kind, courteous nature made them a pleasure to assist, and for that we thank each and every one of you!
That wraps up our list of announcements for today! We thank you again for your continued involvement and trust placed with us at Latium. We aim to continually develop the most robust, efficient tasking platform available in the industry today. As always you can follow us on Twitter and join our Telegram Chat and Discord for the latest news, updates and developments as we progress.